Time: Our Greatest Expander

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The only thing more crucial than time is your health.Time is our most precious commodity. In modern life, it can sometimes feel like there’s pressure to accomplish more with less time. But the fact is: we all have the same amount of hours in the day. Many of us fall into the trap of “I can’t” or “I don’t have enough time,” but the truth is you can create the time you need.The first step is changing your mindset around time management. You can’t rewrite the past, but you can shape your future. Implementing the belief that you can make time for health, happiness, and growth is a powerful shift.Make the Most of Your TimeYour time is a finite resource. To become more efficient and manage your time better, you need to put yourself first. Through The Framework, you’ll learn more about the most important aspects of mastering time: routine and scheduling.RoutineFor positive changes to stick, we need to make them a habit. Every change to your routine will push you one more step in the right direction.Look at the existing habits that are part of your routine, such as doing skincare or doing morning stretches. Try to pair a new habit you’re looking to implement with the things that you already do to make these changes less daunting. This method works best when pairing complementary activities. For example, try hopping into a cold shower right before you do your skincare routine, or meditate or journal following your morning stretches.To maximize this exercise, you can keep a log of what habits you’re implementing, how well you’re adhering to them, and how well they’re actually working. Over time, as new health-minded practices become ingrained into your routine, you’ll find it easier and more expansive to prioritize self-care.In future trainings, this pillar will explore in more depth the foundations of a successful morning and evening routine. Starting and ending your day right will help you stay focused and prepare for even the busiest of days.SchedulingScheduling is one of the biggest tools at your disposal when it comes to better time management. While it might seem excessive or counterintuitive, blocking out all of your time—that includes personal and leisure time, too—will help you prioritize what’s most important.The first step is to audit and categorize your time to understand where you’re spending it. Look at both your alone time as well as time spent with others. Find out what commitments, habits, and events are revitalizing you, and which are draining you.Later on, you’ll learn how to take this information and segment your time into long and short blocks that preserve your energy and help you make the most out of every day.The Time is NowManaging your time goes hand in hand with enhancing your health and well-being. That may sound daunting, but remember that you’re in control.If you learn one thing about time, let it be this: It’s never too late to become the best version of yourself. There’s time to accomplish anything and everything you want in life, as long as you’re willing to make the time.